
четверг, 22 октября 2015 г.

Securing your Spring REST service with BASIC Authentication

OAUTH 2.0 Spring REST Theory

Securing your Spring REST service with OAUTH 2 Implicit

How to Quit Mindlessly Surfing the Internet and Actually Get Stuff Done

9 pm. A college campus in the Midwest. Rob sits down to study. His inner monologue:
Okay, time to hit the books. I’m really going to get crap done tonight. Let me just sit down here and crack open my giant textbook. Mmmm, interesting, interesting. But I don’t understand this term here on pg. 307. I should look it up on Wikipedia. Okay, got it. I guess it wouldn’t hurt to check my gmail tab before I get back to the book. Oh, Amanda sent me a Facebook message, let me just get on Facebook really quick and write her back. Hey, the Art of Manliness put another article up. And I love pirates! I’ve got to check that out–I’ll just skim it really fast. That was good. I wonder if anything has happened on Facebook since I read the article, let me check that real quick. And I guess it wouldn’t hurt to give the front page of Reddit a fast little scan, and then I’ll get back to studying. Wow, this thread has links to a lot of interesting sites, I’m just going to click on a few…
12:00 am. Textbook is still open to page 307. Rob’s inner monologue:
Arrrrghhh! What happened?

Unit Testing of Spring MVC Controllers: Configuration

Unit Testing of Spring MVC Controllers: Normal Controllers

Unit Testing of Spring MVC Controllers: REST API